A. Ordering

Q: How do I place an order?

Q: How to cancel order /change address?

Q: Do you accept dropshipping order?

Yes, we accept both dropshipping orders.


Q: Minimum Order

Minimum order is $25.


Q: What forms of payment do you accept?

We accept: American Express, Apple Pay, Master Card, Paypal, Visa.


B. Shipping

Q: What time my order will be sent?

Packages will be shipped within 1-2 business days after payment confirmed.


Q: Why the shipment delayed?

It’s normal shipment gets delayed during peak seasons, but if you believe the delivery date is long overdue, feel free to contact us for help.


Q: I can’t track my order,what should I do?

Please track your package with your tracking number following the table:

Q: It shows my order was delivered but i didn’t receive it?

1.  Please contact your local post office and they will be able to further assist you as we don't have additional information about delivery questions or where your package is. 
2.  We recommend allowing 1-2 business days to account for potential internal delays.
3. Ask your families or friends if they have accepted the package, as this is a common occurrence.
4.  If you are still unable to locate your order, please email us at service@trendsmax.com for assistance. But we are not responsible for lost or stolen packages.


C. Return & Refund

Please click ‘Return Policy’ for complete details. 


D. Production

About Inventory

1. Inventory will be reduced automatically after order is paid, to ensure you can 
receive your order soon and avoid goods sold out, pls finish payment timely 
when you make orders.
2.If you find some products are out of stock before you ordered, please contact us. We will send you arrival notification as soon as restock.
3.After order is confirmed, we will keep you informed of the order process by email.

Is the item I want going to go on sale soon?

For our competitive price, we hardly give a discount except for some special days, such as Black Friday and Cyber Monday.



In more convenient and environmental-friendly way, all Trendsmax products are simply packed in OPP bag and , which is easier for transporting in bulk.

If you need gift box, please email us at service@trendsmax.com.